Lets get started with some really simple facts. Any skateboarder who takes the sport seriously, is most likely to be carrying a skateboard applicable backpack. Why you may ask? Well it’s because they’re likely carrying a bunch of things with them, whenever they go skating. For example, a helmet + pads for the older guys (like me), tools, spare parts (trucks, wheels, bearings etc) and obviously the essentials (drinks, snacks, jumpers and so on). This stuff kind of makes it essential to skate with a backpack.
With that knowledge in mind, it quickly becomes obvious that a skateboarders backpack needs to be not only fashionable, but functional. Multiple pockets, a good size, water proof and tough, of which all of these become quick design essentials for any backpack manufacturer targeting skateboarders.
Key Features To Look For In A Skateboard Backpack
When we’re assessing the best skateboard backpacks, there’s easily going to be some top priorities for features that need to be included. Lets look at them.
1. We’re skateboarders, so some straps for when we’re on the move and cant skate (e.g. public transport, or eating food). A skateboard backpack must have a way to hold a skateboard.
2. The enemy of all skateboarders tends to be rain, because it makes parks unusable but it can also destroy our equipment. This means we need somewhere to protect stuff from the water, making it essential to have a backpack that is waterproof.
3. Most skaters will simply throw a backpack in the corner of a park, on top of the pipe, or into a pile at the entrance. Notice how I didn’t say “will carefully lock it away in a locker”? Well it’s because skaters are more interested in getting onto their boards and riding, not being careful with their backpack, so skateboard backpacks need to be strong!
4. Finally a skateboarders backpack needs to be created of multiple compartments. This is so we can keep all our stuff in specific areas and for ease of access.
Lets look at the 2024 contenders.
Best Skateboard Backpacks of 2024
I have no specific order to these skateboard backpacks, they are all good and therefore all deserve a place on this list.
Oakley Freshman Skateboard Backpack
Official Link: https://www.oakley.com/en-gb/product/FOS901202
Skateboarders Online Review: Oakley Freshman Skate Backpack Review
Cost: £66.00 / $85.00
Size: 20L

Backpack Positive Features: The first backpack in the list is the Oakley Freshman Skateboard Backpack, because the quality of this backpack is fantastic. It’s made to be strong and you can tell from the moment you start to use it, which includes being waterproof. It has two main compartments, which are (1) for your sunglasses and (2) the rest of your gear, and comes with some great straps. The best thing about this, is the style, it really looks good.
Backpack Negative Features: The negative aspect of the Oakley Freshman Skateboard Backpack has to be that you only get 2 compartments for your stuff. This unfortunately means everything pretty much goes into the main pocket of the backpack.
Vans Obstacle Skatepack Backpack
Official Link: https://www.vans.co.uk/shop/en-gb/vans-gb/obstacle-skatepack-backpack-vn0a3i691m7
Skateboarders Online Review: N/A
Cost: £60.00 / $75.00
Size: 23 Litres

Backpack Positive Features: The second backpack in the list comes from the long and well established skateboard brand “Vans”. It’s using cordura material which is designed to be strong and durable. The Obstacle Skatepack Backpack comes with a few compartments which include a media compartment and it has some very good straps for holding skateboards. The bag has a modern design, which is quite boxy looking, so it’s quite fashionable at present.
Backpack Negative Features: The only negative I can think of here, is the colours available. You can get it in black or a brown which is quite limited.
DCShoes Chalkers Skateboard Backpack
Official Link: https://www.dcshoes-uk.co.uk/chalkers-28l-large-skate-backpack-for-men-3613378990025.html
Skateboarders Online Review: NA
Cost: £60.00 / $75 USD
Size: 28 Litres

Backpack Positive Features: Having the DC Shoes logo on your backpack is often something to be proud of. DC Shoes have been around for a long time and they’re very big supported of the Skateboard culture, so this is a big positive. However with the Chalkers Skate backpack, it’s also one of the biggest available which provides loads of space for everything you need when you go skating. Again it has those essential skateboard straps and they look the part. The branding is also embroidered on, and not simply ironed on, which means it shouldn’t fade very quickly.
Backpack Negative Features: The only negative here, is the ease of access to get a drink. The side pockets are zipped, and not mesh which is a great quality improvement but depending on your opinion, this could be a draw back.
Burton Kilo 2.0 Skateboard Backpack
Official Link: https://www.burton.com/gb/en/p/burton-kilo-20-27l-backpack/S24-21343106304NA.html
Skateboarders Online Review: NA
Cost: £65.00 / $85 USD
Size: 27 Litres

Backpack Positive Features: Like the DC Shoes backup, the Burton backpack is one of the biggest available. It has 27 litres of capacity, which gives loads of space for all your things. It has some easy access side pockets for drinks and possibly the most compartments out of all the backpacks listed in this article. Therefore it’s really good.
Backpack Negative Features: My drawback here, is that it looks very similar to the vans backpack above, but for some reason this looks to me like a hiking backpack. I think it’s just the size and shape combination. Again this is my opinion, so if you like it, definitely buy it.
EastPak Skate Pak’R Backpack
Official Link: https://www.eastpak.com/uk-en/backpacks-c120/skate-pak-r-skate-checks-pEK-0A5BEN-7A6-OS–1-.html
Skateboarders Online Review: NA
Cost: £55.00 / $70 USD
Size: 24 Litres

Backpack Positive Features: Again this is a legendary skateboard brand, it’s been around for a long time and has a reputation. The Eastpak Skate Pak’R backpack, is right in the middle regarding the size, it’s not a small 20 litres and not a huge 28 litre. It has two main pockets and a bottle holder, alongside some strong Velcro skateboard straps. It comes in a bunch of colours and designs, so plenty of choice. It also comes with a 30y warranty, which shows how much Eastpak believe in their products.
Backpack Negative Features: I’m stretching for a negative here, but depending on your needs, it might be too small or too big.
Buying Guide For Skateboard Backpacks
I wanted to add some advice when it comes to buying backpacks for skateboarding, which I look at when I am selecting my next skateboard backpack.
1. If it holds a skateboard, how is it holding it? I tend to find velcro straps last longer that plastic clips. I end up breaking the plastic clips quite fast because I can be a bit too forceful.
2. Design is a huge thing. We all skateboard in our own styles and no one has a wrong style. Your board is an extension of you, and how you plan on carrying your stuff is also up to you, so pick what you like the design of.
3. Have a think about what you use your backpack for, then work on what is best for you. If you’re not padding up every time you go skate, then a smaller backpack might be fine. If you need tools, equipment, helmet, snacks etc then you probably want something with zipped up compartments and quite big. I know I like to put my skateboard multi-tool in a specific compartment, and that way I know where is always.
You’ve seen the skateboard backpacks I’ve listed here and these are the ones I would choose between, however there are many more out there. The important thing to recognise is that if the brand is made by skateboarders, or has a big history in skateboarding, the backpack likely wont have much wrong and will survive most of what it gets put through.
Each backpack in this list has both good and bad attributes but again these may be dependent on your needs and not always a negative. My recommendation after all of this, is invest in good quality because backpacks get replaced less often than skateboard decks. If you’re looking for a good deal to make these more affordable, check out the discounts on the official retailers websites, there are likely sales from time to time.
I need to be quite clear here, and highlight that at present I use the Oakley Freshman Skate Backpack. I find it very good but I will admit that some of the others on this page have also been very tempting for me. If I purchase any more I will write actual skateboard backpack product reviews, so you can read full in depth information.