On occasion crosswords will include a basic skateboarding trick//term or piece of equipment to really try and throw the avid puzzle solver, so in this post I aim to cover some of the more common words used. Now if the word isn’t in this list then it’s probably fair to say that the creator of the crossword is either being rather difficult with their audience or the crossword is completely themed for skateboarding/extreme sports.
A few of the major publishers of crosswords who may utilise the list of skateboard terms below to trick their audience, include “The New York Times“, “The Wall Street Journal”, “The Los Angeles Times” and “USA Today”. Lets explore the top 5 basic skateboarding trick crossword clues that could be used in the crosswords that are published by these companies.

Basic Skateboarding Trick Crossword Clue Number 1: Ollie
Description: An Ollie is a skateboarding trick that involves jumping with the skateboard while keeping it attached to the feet.
Basic Skateboarding Trick Crossword Clue Number 2: Kickflip
Description: A Kickflip is a skateboarding trick where the board flips 360 degrees along its length while jumping in the air, and remaining under the skateboarders feet.
Basic Skateboarding Trick Crossword Clue Number 3: Deck
Description: A skateboard deck is the primary part of the skateboard that the skateboarder will stand on. It’s the long piece of wood (often 7 layers of timber glued together).
Basic Skateboarding Trick Crossword Clue Number 4: Halfpipe
Description: The half pipe is called a “half” pipe because it resembles half of a pipe or a cylinder. This is a common piece of equipment that is used in extreme sports such as Skateboarding.
Basic Skateboarding Trick Crossword Clue Number 5: Nose and Tail
Description: The ends of skateboards are named Nose and Tail. The nose is the front of the skateboard and the tail being the end, but often you will see skateboarders use both ends interchangeably.
Alright, so there is the top 5 words I have seen and predict to be in major crossword publishers, crosswords. If you fancy it, I’ve also wrote a post on songs/music that features skateboarding, and there’s some really good songs, have a listen.